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Controlling the laser engraver

I mainly use the laser for engraving vectors, I have no plan in raster engraving (=pictures), so the instructions and workflow follow this. I do my best to find a workflow that works 100% under Linux.

The controlling board uses an Arduino Nano with GRBL 1.1f.


Using the good old Inkscape.

Adding hatches to fill letters

Need this Inkscape Extension : Be careful, download the correct version for your Inkscape version.

Gcode generation

Need this Inkscape Extension : Be careful, download the correct version for your Inkscape version.

Sending the Gcode to the machine

Using the good old UGS, classic GUI

Note: I tried Laserweb4, on two different computers, very slow (in fact, freeze computers) so better not use it.

controlling_the_laser_engraver.txt · Last modified: 2018/01/28 18:30 by greg