Creality Ender 2 with some mods
I bought an ender 2 as it was the only one that would fit inside an Ikea ALEX storage unit.
I want to do the following modifications :
Bought here for 269 CAD + shipping / Received in 25 days.
Problems :
Modifications :
Purchase list
SKR 1.3 Main board w/ TMC2208 UART (51.66 CAD) because 32 bits Marlin 2.0 + the other alternatives to make it silent are the Creality Silent Board (more expensive and more limited), the MKS Gen Board (not the smartest routing + bad open source vision) or the Duet Wi-Fi (way too expensive).
All metal hot end for printing nylon –
still debating between the Micro Swiss and E3D V6. Micro Swiss is a drop-in replacement, E3D V6 is Prusa's choice. E3D V6 60 US bracket 30 CAD, micro swiss le moins cher chez
3d printing canada
Steel bed (44 CAD) because they do custom size + metal sheet is necessary to work with the PINDA probe + recommended surface (PEI) to print nylon.
Noctua fans all the way
3D printed mods
Money spent in CAD, shipping inc.
Money wisely spent (searched for the best price) :
Printer (banggood): 284.34
Probe (aliexpress) : 16.40
SKR Board with silent drivers (aliexpress) : 53.61
PEI+Steel sheet (aliexpress) : 55.55
Microswiss all-metal (3Dprintingcanada) : 112.62
Tungstene carbide nozzle (dyze design) : 69.11
Noctua fans + blower (amazon) : 82.53
Money less wisely spent (bought locally in a hurry) :
Two aluminum beds (abra) : 55.86
V slot rail (abra): 20.55
PT100 thermistor for microswiss (abra) : 5.98
50W heater for microswiss (abra) : 8.39
OB-585 build plate (abra) : 27.90
So far, total : 792.84
Still cheaper than a Prusa, I have two hot ends I can swap (one for PLA, one for Nylon-CF), the Nylon-CF setup is top notch, the controler board is the best there is, I have autoleveling, and it (mainly) fits inside my ikea box :) :) (which acts as an enclosure, necessary for nylon).
Would I do it again / recommend? No, too much work. When you want to go custom I realised it is better to start from the most popular base (ie, Ender 3) and if there is a simple solution out there for your custom needs (ie, silent board from creality) choose it.
Am i happy with it? Yes, works beautifully!