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Shapeoko 3 feeds and speeds

Hi there,

Write your feeds and speeds, DOC, lubrification type, tool used, name and date for each material.



  • FEED 35 IPM, PLUNGE 15 IPM, SPEED 7800 RPM, DOC 0.5mm, LUB : OIL, TOOL : 1/4 2 FLUTES, Greg, 30 JUIN 2017


  • FEED 30 IPM, PLUNGE 10 IPM, SPEED 16000 RPM, DOC 0.02“, LUB : EAU, TOOL : 1/8 2 FLUTES, Pipo, 11 JUILLET 2017
  • FEED 25.4 IPM, PLUNGE ?, SPEED ?, DOC 0.006”, LUB : NOTHING, TOOL : 2 FLUTES, , 8 AVRIL 2016



shapeoko_3_feeds_and_speeds.txt · Last modified: 2017/07/31 15:04 by greg